And why we were here,and by whose strange laws
That which mattered most could not be.
最烦恼他的是这终古的疑问,人生究竟是什么?我们为什么要活着?既然活着了,为什么又有种种的阻碍?使我们最想望的最宝贵的不得自由的实现。我先引用他有名的那首Yell ham-woods Story——
Coomb-firtress say that Life is a moon,
and clyffe-hill Clump says“Yea!”
But Yell’ham says a thing of its own:
It’s not“Gray,gray
Is Life alway!”
That Yell’ham says,
Nor that Life is for ends unknown.
It says that Life would signify
A thwarted pur posing:
That we come to live,and are called to die.
yes,that’s the thing
In fall,in spring,
That Yell’ham says:——
“Life of fers- to deny!”
“一个挫折了的意志”(Athwartedpurposing),“生命付与了——终还撤销”(Life offers to deny),“证实生命的意义与价值那一点,偏偏的不能实现。”(Thatwhichmatteredmostcouldnotbe)
这一点究竟是什么——也许是理想的恋爱,也许是理想的自由——哈代始A不曾明白的说出;他只是反覆的申说生命现在的可能不能使他满意不能使他信仰。《我对爱神说》(ISaid to Love)那首诗的末了一节,诗人的愤慨到了极端了:——
“Depart then,Love!……
Man’s race shall perish,threatenest thou,
Without thy kindling coupling-vow?
The age to come the man of now
knownothing of?——
We fear not such a threat from thee;
We are too old in a pathy?
Mankind shall cease,——So let it be,”
I said to Love.
哈代有时竟可以这样极端的狠毒,这样的斩钉截铁——“人类必定灭绝——也就让他去休”——同样的愤慨,他在Jude the Obscure里,借《裘德》那古怪的儿子Fa the r Time的说话与行为尽情的发泄。那部书的后半,神经稍为软弱些的读者竟有些“受不了”,也就为此。
但有时,我们也可以在他倔强的疑问中听出比较的温驯,近人情的语气,比如他的“To Life”——
OLife with the sad teared face,
Iweary of seeing thee,
And thy draggled cloak,and thy hobbling pace,
And thy too-forecd pleasantry!
I know what thou would‘st tell
Of Death Time,Destiny——
I have known it long,and now, too,well
What it all means for me.
But canst thou not array
Thysel fin rare disguise,
And feign like truth,for one mad day,
That earth is paradise?
I’ll turn me to the mood,
And mumm with thee till eve;
And maybe what as interlude
I feign,I shall believe!
《在树林里》(Ina Wood)的那首诗,也是代表作者在“不得已”中求强勉的得已的苦衷。
Ina Wood
Palebeech and pine so blue,
Set in one clay,
Bough to bough cannot you
Line out your day?
When the rains skim and skip,
Why mar sweet comrade ship,
Blighting with poison-drip
Neighbourly spray?
Heart-halt and spirit-lame,
City opprest,
Un to this wood I came
As to a nest;
Dreaming that sylvan peace
Of fered the harrowed ease——
Nature a so ftrelease
From men’s unrest.
But,having entered in,
Great growths and small
Show them to men akin——
Combatants all!
Sycamore shoulders oak,