Bines the slim sapling yoke,
Ivy’s pun halters choke
Elms stout and tall.
Toucles from ash,Owych,
Sting you like scorn!
You, too,brave hollies,twitch
Sidelong from thorn,
Even the rank poplars bear
Poorly a rival’s air,
Cankering in blank des pair
If overborne.
Since, then,no grace I find
Tought me of trees,
Turn I back to my kind,
Worthy as these.
There at least smiles abound,
There discour se trills around,
There,now and then,are found
最初他饱受了生活的烦闷与压迫,想起安宁的自然或者可以给他慰藉,他就走入了一个静定的树林,心想这样的Sylvan peace,这样温柔的境界,当然能够舒解他心里的烦恼。但是他在林中仔细观察时只见:
Great Growths and small
Show them to men akin—
Combatants all!
Turn I back to my kind,
Worthy as these.
There atleast smiles abound.
There discourse trills around,
There,now and then,are found
我们再读他的《希望歌》(Song of Hope)——
Song of Hope
O sweet Tomorrow!
A fter today
There will away
This sense ofsorrow.
Then let us borrow
Hope,for a gleaming
Soon will be streaming
Dimmed by no gray—
No gray!
While the winds wing us
Sighs from the gone,
Nearer to dawn
Minute-beats bring us;
When there will sing us
Larks,of a glory
Waiting our story
Further anon—
Doff the black token,
Don the red shoon,
Right and retune
Viol-strings broken;
Null the words spoken
In speeches of rueing,
To-morrow shines soon—
Shines soon!
Firstor Last(Song)
If grief come early
Joy comes late,
If joy come early
Grief will wait;
Aye,my dear and tender!
Wise ones joy then early
While the cheeks are red,
Banish grief till surly
Time has dulled their dread.
And joy being ours
Ere youth has flown,
The later hours
May find us gone;
Aye,my dear and tender!
但他也有时几于疑问他自己的疑问,有时他专看黑影的视觉,竟瞥到了刹那间的光明,他几于跳出了他的灰色的“迷圈”。在The Darkling Thrush那首诗里,例如,他就逢到了这样一个境界:大冷天天惨地暗的,一些生气都寻不着,干确的地皮僵直的横着像是这“世纪的尸体”,低压的云与悲嚎的风像他的帐幕与哭声,在这个光景里,忽然
A voice arose amony
The bleak twigs overhead
Ina full-hearted even song of joy illimited;
Anaged thrush,frail,gaunt and small,
In blast-beruf fled plume,
Had chosen thus to fling his soul
Upon the growing gloom.
Solittle cause for carollings of such estatic sound
Was written on terrestrial things
After or nigh around,
That I could think there trembled through
Hishappy good-night air
Some blessed hope,where of he knew
And I was unaware.
读哈代的诗,不仅感觉到That which mattered most could not be的悲哀,并且仿佛看得见时间的大喙,凶狠的张着,人生里难得有刹那的断片的欢娱、安慰与光明,他总是不容情的吞了下去,只留下黑影似的记忆,在寂寞的风雨夜,在寂寞的睡梦里,刑苦你的心灵,嘲笑你的希望。