第十章 新泛古陆(第9/10页)
[1] 根据最新的研究成果,这些真菌并不真正属于地丝霉属,因而更名为毁灭伪裸子囊菌(Pseudogymnoascus destructans),在分类学上地位未定,除了确定属于真菌门之外,连所属的纲都无法确定。下文不再特别指出,仍按原文使用毁灭地丝霉菌的名称。——译者
[2] Charles Darwin,letter to J.D.Hooker,Apr.19,1855,Darwin Correspondence Project,Cambridge University.
[3] Charles Darwin,letter to Gardeners’ Chronicle,May 21,1855,Darwin Correspondence Project,Cambridge University.
[4] 17~18世纪的欧洲建筑、音乐和艺术风格,以华丽的细节为主要特点。——译者
[5] Darwin,On the Origin of Species,385.
[6] Darwin,On the Origin of Species,394.
[7] Alfred Wegener,The Origin of Continents and Oceans,translated by John Biram(New York:Dover,1966),17.
[8] A.Davis,Invasion Biology(Oxford:Oxford University Press,2009),22.
[9] Anthony Ricciardi,“Are Modern Biological Invasions an Unprecedented Form of Global Change?”Conservation Biology 21(2007):329-336.
[10] 发音来自小棕蝠科学命名中“luci”这个词根。——译者
[11] Randall Jarrell and Maurice Sendak,The Bat-Poet(1964;reprint,New York:HarperCollins,1996),1.
[12] Paul M.Cryan et al.,“Wing Pathology of White-Nose Syndrome in Bats Suggests Life-Threatening Disruption of Physiology,”BMC Biology 8(2010).
[13] 指在左轮手枪的弹仓中随机放入子弹,两人轮流用枪指着脑袋扣动扳机的性命赌博。——译者
[14] 这部分关于日本丽金龟扩散过程的描述出自Charles S.Elton,The Ecology of Invasions by Animals and Plants(1958;reprint,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2000),51-53。
[15] Jason van Driesche and Roy van Driesche,Nature out of Place:Biological Invasions in the Global Age(Washington,D.C.:Island Press,2000),91.
[16] Information on Hawaii’s land snails comes from Christen Mitchell et al.,Hawaii’s Comprehensive Wildlife Conservation Strategy(Honolulu:Department of Land and Natural Resources,2005).
[17] David Quammen,The Song of the Dodo:Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinctions(1996;reprint,New York:Scribner,2004),333.
[18] Van Driesche and Van Driesche,Nature out of Place,123.
[19] George H.Hepting,“Death of the American Chestnut,”Forest and Conservation History 18(1974):60.
[20] “Kentucky bluegrass”是北美地区的惯常称谓,其学名为草地早熟禾(Poa pratensis),原产于欧亚大陆。——译者
[21] 即野胡萝卜,在我国江浙地区又称鹤虱草,是食用胡萝卜经过人类种植筛选之前的原始物种。——译者
[22] 远东白英在我国的标准学名是南蛇藤,原产于东亚地区。实际上,南蛇藤与白英在分类学上甚至都不属于同一个科。——译者
[23] Paul Somers,“The Invasive Plant Problem,”<http://www.mass.gov/eea/docs/dfg/nhesp/land-protection-andmanagement/invasive-plant-problem.pdf>.
[24] John C.Maerz,Victoria A.Nuzzo,and Bernd Blossey,“Declines in Woodland Salamander Abundance Associated with Non-Native Earthworm and Plant Invasions,”Conservation Biology 23(2009):975-981.
[25] “Operation Toad Day Out:Tip Sheet,”Townsville City Council,<http://www.townsville.qld.gov.au/resident/pests/Documents/TDO%202012_Tip%20Sheet.pdf>.
[26] Steven L.Chown et al.,“Continent-wide Risk Assessment for the Establishment of Nonindigenous Species in Antarctica,”Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109(2012):4938-4943.
[27] Alan Burdick,Out of Eden:An Odyssey of Ecological Invasion(New York:Farrar,Straus and Giroux,2005),29.
[28] Jennifer A.Leonard et al.,“Ancient DNA Evidence for Old World Origin of New World Dogs,”Science 298(2002):1613-1616.
[29] Quoted in Kim Todd,Tinkering with Eden:A Natural History of Exotics in America(New York:Norton,2001),137-138.