第八章 森林与树木(第10/10页)
[8] Alfred R.Wallace,Tropical Nature and Other Essays(London:Macmillan,1878),123.
[9] 英国儿童文学中的著名虚构角色。——译者
[10] “伯纳姆树林”(Birnam Woods)是莎士比亚戏剧《麦克白》后半部分中推动故事发展的关键情节之一。在剧中,女巫召唤的亡灵告诉因弑君而不安的麦克白:只有当伯纳姆的树林向邓西嫩的高山移动时他才会被击败。后来,讨伐麦克白的军队在伯纳姆砍下树木用于伪装前进,从而使预言应验。——译者
[11] Kenneth J.Feeley et al.,“Upslope Migration of Andean Trees,”Journal of Biogeography 38(2011):783-791.
[12] Alfred R.Wallace,The Wonderful Century:Its Successes and Its Failures(New York:Dodd,Mead,1898),130.
[13] Darwin,On the Origin of Species,366-367.
[14] Rocío Urrutia and Mathias Vuille,“Climate Change Projections for the Tropical Andes Using a Regional Climate Model:Temperature and Precipitation Simulations for the End of the 21st Century,”Journal of Geophysical Research 114(2009).
[15] Alessandro Catenazzi et al.,“Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and the Collapse of Anuran Species Richness and Abundance in the Upper Manú National Park,Southeastern Peru,”Conservation Biology 25(2011):382-391.
[16] 很重要的一点是,z总是小于1,通常在0.20~0.35之间。
[17] Anthony D.Barnosky,Heatstroke:Nature in an Age of Global Warming(Washington,D.C.:Island Press/Shearwater Books,2009),55-56.
[18] Chris D.Thomas et al.,“Extinction Risk from Climate Change,”Nature 427(2004):145-148.
[19] Chris Thomas,“First Estimates of Extinction Risk from Climate Change,”in Saving a Million Species:Extinction Risk from Climate Change,edited by Lee Jay Hannah(Washington,D.C.;Island Press,2012),17-18.
[20] 本名约翰尼·查普曼,19世纪初期的美国传教士,因在俄亥俄州和印第安纳州广泛种植和管理苹果园而被当成平民英雄。——译者
[21] Aradhna K.Tripati,Christopher D.Roberts,and Robert E.Eagle,“Coupling of and Ice Sheet Stability over Major Climate Transitions of the Last 20 Million Years,”Science 326(2009):1394-1397.